News & Events

16 July 2024

July 16-17 2024 – Annual Meeting in Reims @Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

3 July 2024

July 03 2024 – Project presentation to the National Contact Point of the Portuguese LIFE program

6 June 2024

June 11 2024 – Project presentation at the event “The contribution of the LIFE program to the environmental and climate priorities of the CAP 2023-2027” in Rome

21 May 2024

May 21 2024 – Project presentation at the networking event with the LIFE Microfighter project

10 April 2024

April 10 2024 – Life Platform Meeting on Soils in Pamplona

1 April 2024

April 2024 – Delivery of experimental product to companies

1 March 2024

March 2024 – Installation of weather stations in vineyards

16 January 2024

January 16 2024 – Visit to Unicam

18 December 2023

Final conference of the project “DRIVE LIFE – Tools and techniques to support water resilience in the vineyard”